Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Instant Replay

“The more assets you have the more resilient you will be,” Mrs. Anna (Youth Development Director)

One of my favorite things about starting a new year is what that new year will bring. In the case of City Impact’s Impact Leadership Academy, this new year is bringing forth the opportunity for students to get familiar and get connected with the assets in their lives. In the first week back from break, the students were introduced to the assets by taking a detailed survey, to see what and how many assets each one had.

There are two different groups of assets; there are external assets: (Support, Empowerment, Boundaries and Expectations, and Constructive Use of Time) and internal assets: (Commitment to Learning, Positive Values, Social Competencies, and Positive Identity.) The Impact Leadership Academy students are taking a break from the Impact Journals and have been given an asset journal, which will build into the students’ opportunity to gather and learn about their individual assets. Each asset journal is compiled of three sections: the first an asset goal section, the second their asset journaling page, the third an express it section. All of these sections will help the students better utilize their individual assets.

Mrs. Anna (Youth Development Director) has taken this project on full force, and from what I can see, she has done a wonderful job. Mrs. Anna has put together a lesson, which includes an activity to be done at worship time when all the students gather together. So far the lessons at worship have been so fun to watch and I know the students are learning! When Mrs. Anna asked what they had learned from the previous weeks asset lesson multiple students answered with naming exact assets. For example, Zach answered by naming the “Hope for your future” asset.

All of the staff and volunteers are hard at work trying to push the importance of learning and gaining assets and it is wonderful to see everyone working together. I cant wait to update you all with more!

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