Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wisdom Talk

If God came to you and said I will give you whatever you want, what would you want? This was a question that was asked by Mr. Todd to the 6-8th grade boys on Sunday. With excitement Mr. Todd asked the boys to tell him what they would ask God for.

Zach- “New shoes.”

Jonha- “Eternal life in Heaven, and wisdom.”

Cameron- “Good health.”

Kenneth- “Mustang.”

Dylan- “Super powers.”

Mr. Todd went on to ask the boys if they knew that this really happened, and proceeded to lead them all to the story of Solomon in 1 Kings 3:4.

After taking turns around the class reading the story, Mr. Todd asked the boys to recall what Solomon asked God for. Dylan answered, “A discerning heart.” What did God think of that request? Jonha answered, “Thank you for not choosing long life, riches, and death to your enemies.” Mr. Todd then shared with the boys that when we follow God and obey God, He sometimes gives you more than what you had asked for in the first place. He wants us to pray to Him and ask for wisdom in our own lives. When we choose to do what He wants us to do, obey Him and follow His will, He will bless us. He wants us to obey Him. Even though I was only in the class for a short amount of time I was able to gather a little lesson for myself and realize that sometimes it does not take a lengthy lesson and lecture to get a point across. I enjoyed sitting in on the 6-8th grade boys’ lesson time and look forward to the next time.

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