Monday, March 15, 2010

Personal Responsibility

I have been excited to notice more and more that something is stirring in the minds of the ILA students. I am starting to see the reaping of the seeds which have been sewn.

On Sunday evening, while waiting for program to start, Jonha was busy decorating a card for his dad whose Birthday was that very day. I was just walking around observing his actions, as he was hard at work. But his hard work had turned the floor below him into quite the mess. I thought to myself, “Oh boy, another kid making another mess!” I was just thinking that I was going to be left cleaning up the mess once he went to class for the evening. I continued walking around and then sat down to speak with a few other students. All of a sudden, I saw Jonha dart out of the room only to return a few minutes later with the vacuum in hand. He plugged that vacuum in and got right to work! I could do nothing but smile all over and then felt bad that I had underestimated Jonha’s ability to show personal responsibility.

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