Thursday, March 18, 2010

At the feet of Jesus

At the end of the lesson time on Sunday in the High School girls’ room Mrs. Anna (Youth Development Director and High School girls’ leader) shared with the girls that after their discussion the previous week she had really been listening to the hearts of the girls and heard some of their thoughts on body image. Mrs. Anna proceeded to hand out an article she had printed; this article was about body image. Mrs. Anna also gave the girls two bible verses Proverbs 31:30 and Genesis 1:27. Mrs. Anna’s goal in doing this was to encourage the girls to seek what God thinks of them. Following this short discussion was a time of prayer. Prayers shared were of praise, thankfulness, forgiveness, and requests. The reason I share this is because one of the girls praised God for thinking she was beautiful and helping her to think well of her body image. She also asked that He would forgive her for the bad thoughts she has about the way she looks. It was so awesome to see her take what Mrs. Anna was saying and bring it right to God’s feet, asking Him for help just as He wants us to do. With the craziness of the classrooms I know it is sometimes hard for the leaders to think the students are listening, but when something like this happens I know they are.

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