Friday, March 26, 2010

Volunteer Care

Mr. Ty pictured in black shirt in front.

Goal: Volunteer Care
-Volunteers will be well trained and committed to the City Impact Mission.
-Volunteers will feel like a valued member of the CI Ministry Team.

I had gone around to pick up devotions for the evening and noticed that Mr. Ty ( High School boys leader) was absent from the High School boys room, which I found to be a bit odd as he usually never misses program on Sunday evenings.

After making myself comfortable in the 6-8th grade girls’ room I leaned over to ask Mrs. Bert (6-8th grade girls’ small group leader) if her husband Mr. Ty (High School boys classroom small group leader) was gone tonight. She said that he would be here shortly, but he would be late because last minute he went to get Patty (High School girls’ student).

Now you see maybe to someone else this would not seem like any big deal, but for me, my mind started to spin. I just could not stop thinking about Mr. Ty and his efforts to get Patty to ILA. Ty went outside of himself to ensure Patty made it to program on Sunday. It was more important for him to go get Patty than to worry about being late that night. My heart was just touched by Mr. Ty’s outward expression of commitment to get the students to the Impact Leadership Academy. It showed me that he values the program and feels that it is of top importance and priority to see to it that the students make it every Sunday.

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