Thursday, March 4, 2010

A special time with Jazmine

On Valentines Day I had the opportunity to lead the Writing Team. Mr. Nate (writing team leader) was going to be gone and they needed someone to fill in. I have filled in once before and was looking forward to doing it again. Numbers were a bit lower than normal at ILA and I was a bit bummed when I found out that I only had one student for the Writing Team. Oh but doesn’t God always have different plans for us then what we are expecting for ourselves?

Jazmine gathered our things and headed up to the Writing Team room and decided to get started on the project for the night. Now the Writing Team is still working on getting things together for what it is they will be doing for the year, and currently they are working on writing poems. In the previous week Mr. Nate had shared a poem which he had written about his grandfather, and in the following week the students would be writing a poem about someone special to them. Well it just so happened to be that Sunday was Valentines Day. Mr. Nate had instructed that the Writing Team write a Valentine’s Poem to someone special to them. Jazmine decided she would write a poem about her mother and then later give it to her as a Valentine’s Day present.

Jazmine began to work on her poem and only asked for help with the very first bit, maybe even just one line. She did such a great job and I was so impressed with her participation and willingness to write. She was given 45 minutes to write the poem and then at the end she shared it with me. I was so touched to hear what she had written to her mom and wanted to share it with all of you.

“Today is the day of Valentine’s day, I wish you my love each and every day.

This is my gift to you to show you I love you so I hope you enjoy it today.

You are my mom and I wanted to let you know, that I care about you.

I hope you love my poem because I cherish you.

I just want to say that everything you do for me everyday is something I can never
forget about you.

It takes me back in the old days that you were there for me to say, I love you.

So that’s why I want to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.”

I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did. Jazmine did such a wonderful job and I could tell that every part of this poem was from her heart.

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