Friday, February 26, 2010

Update on the Philanthropy Team

The students on the Philanthropy Team, along with Mrs. Chelsea (Philanthropy Team Leader), are hard at work getting things in place for their upcoming fundraisers.

There are students on different teams working together to get jars made, stickers designed, and a presentation together. They have been very productive and have worked hard at each task. The coin jar team is working to design labels for the jars which will be placed throughout the Bible Club classrooms as a way of getting the younger students involved with the raising of money for the Friendship Home Playground project. On February 14th, the Philanthropy team is planning to present to the ILA student body to let them know what and why they are doing this and how everyone can be involved. They will also be presenting the coin jar idea to the Bible Club students shortly after. The Philanthropy team also hopes to place jars at places like McDonald’s, each Wal-Mart, and various gas stations.

The Philanthropy team has continued to work on a dress down day. There are currently seven Schools whose staff has agreed to participate in the dress down day. Schools involved are Park Middle School, Scott Middle School, Culler Middle School, Mickle Middle School, Lincoln Southwest High School, Lincoln Northstar High School, and Lincoln Christian High School. There has been a team hard at work getting packets together for each school. Each student is a campaign manager for their school. There is a team of girls working together to design a sticker, which will be worn by each participating staff, at each school to show that they are in support of the fundraiser for the Friendship Home. The date has been set for February 19th as the official dress down day.

There have been exciting things come from this and everyone has been working hard using their own gifts. North Star has already stated that, along with participating in the dress down day, they would also like to work with the Philanthropy Team to do another fundraiser, separate from the dress down day! The Philanthropy Team will be hard at work this month getting all these tasks completed so they can move on to additional fundraisers. April is Child Abuse awareness month and the Philanthropy Team hopes to have everything together so they can do an even bigger fundraiser, something like a run for awareness! I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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