Monday, June 8, 2009

Rap Lyrics inspired by The Word

As many may already know, Tyree Murrell who is a 9th grader here at City Impact is very passionate about music; particularly rapping. In fact, Tyree writes the lyrics himself and then raps them! Tyree does not rap about just anything his raps are inspired by God’s word.

At ILA on Sunday before starting in on study time, I caught Mr. Ty and Tyree in an exciting conversation. Mr. Ty, who is Tyree’s ILA teacher, was asking Tyree where he gets the ideas for the lyrics of his songs. Tyree began to tell him that he reads the Bible while listening to music and from there he is inspired to write lyrics. Mr. Ty began to tell Tyree about the sermon he heard earlier that morning at church. The sermon was based off of Psalm 76. After talking a few minutes about the sermon, Tyree quickly informed Mr. Ty that he had been in that same church service that very morning! Mr. Ty started sharing the notes he wrote during the service with Tyree. You should have seen how excited Tyree got when he told Mr. Ty that his notes had a rhyme! Tyree went crazy, he was so excited and took the notebook from Mr. Ty and began to read them over again, he was so intrigued and knew immediately he would be able to make a song out of his teacher’s notes.

When Mr. Ty sat in church Sunday morning he didn’t know Tyree was also there, nor did he know that the notes he was taking would impact Tyree later on that evening at ILA. Tyree was so excited talking about the new lyrics he was going to use for his new song, he was even able to come up with a beat! Mr. Ty looked at Tyree and said “God must really want this to be a song.”

1 comment:

Amy said...

i think thats pretty cool