Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ILA Students represent at "Ribs for Kids"

ILA was a little different this week because we had the opportunity to go to Holmes Lake to eat some yummy ribs at the “Ribs for Kids” event that was put on by Phat Jacks of Lincoln (a very delicious BBQ place)! The meaning of my story is not to tell you how wonderful the ribs were or how much fun it was to go as a group to eat them; I want to share with you the way our group (ILA students) presented themselves.

Let me just start by saying it was so wonderful to go on a public outing with a well behaved group of 6th-12th grade students. From my short time of observing I know that it would not be stretching the truth to say that a big part of the reason these students acted this way was because of the commitment they have made to become leaders at the ILA and beyond.

During worship Mr. Todd got up in front of all the students to tell them how proud he was of the way they acted at the “Ribs for Kids” event. He followed by telling them a story about his family and an experience they had at a park just recently. You see Mr. Todd and his family was at a park last week and while they were there a group of teenage kids came onto the playground where all the little kids were playing and “took over” the playground. Mr. Todd explained the teenagers were very rude and mean to all the young children. The teens were only thinking about themselves and eventually all the young children left the park. Mr. Todd went on to say how nice it was to see the ILA students not only having fun at the park, but engaging with the other children on the playground and showing respect the other children who were playing. The ILA students actually started a huge game of tag and included all the little kids on the playground!

The Bible Lesson at ILA on Sunday was about being obedient to God in everything we do. Mr. Todd reiterated the fact that the students were living out their faith in obedience at the “Ribs for Kids” event. Mr. Todd was not the only one who noticed how awesome the students were because they were thanked by many others that night. How wonderful to be with a group of well behaved students in public. I would go anywhere with them!

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