Thursday, June 4, 2009

6-8th Boys make an Impact

What is something you can do this week, with God’s help, to show sacrificial love and kindness?

According to Mr. Todd, who is the 6-8th grade boys leader, an Impact Goal is not something you are NOT going to do, but something you ARE going to do. Cameron shared that not fighting with his sister was a goal of his for the week. (don't get us wrong that is a good goal, just not exactly what we're going for) Very kindly, Mr. Todd explained that his goal did not fall into the guidelines for an impact goal and he was asked to come up with another goal. Here are some examples of the goals shared around the circle… Matt decided he would find a time to help his mom out by babysitting his 3 year old sister. Zach said he was going to use the knowledge he has and pass it along to his friend by helping a friend study for the CRT’s. Ale said he was going to be more aware of the things his mother does for him and make it a point to say thank you to her more often. As the circle made its way back to Cameron he stated he would help his sister clean her room this week.

It is so wonderful to see young men expressing care for others by acts of kindness. This week at ILA the 6-8th grade boys shared how they had shown kindness by their actions last week. Zach helped his grandmother (who is in a wheelchair) at the store by pushing the cart; he also helped her get her wheelchair in and out of the car. Ale helped a dear friend cope with the loss of her father by talking to her and trying to take her mind off of things, he said he was just “there for her”. Cameron helped his dad fix the car breaks by bringing his dad the tools necessary to fix the breaks. Matt helped his mother by weeding the garden and watering the plants. God calls us to serve one another and hearing how these boys helped was very encouraging.

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