Thursday, June 18, 2009

Social Justice Team Update

It was my second time sitting in on a Leadership team session and this time it was the Social Justice team. Can I just say “wow”; I was thoroughly impressed with how attentively the students sat and how well they participated with such a sensitive and intense subject.

This year the Social Justice team is passionate about reaching out to those affected by HIV and Aids, mainly those in other countries. They are exhausting all options to help and have been doing some research to find out exactly what they can do to best help.

On Sunday Mrs. Miriam who is the Social Justice Team leader began by asking the students “what are things you can get done in a minute?”, Kenneth then volunteered to write all the things they thought of on the board. After the students were finished with the exercise Mrs. Miriam told the students a striking fact, she said that “every minute 4 children are orphaned by parents who die from HIV or Aids”. The students were just amazed at this statistic and began to ask questions. One in particular I found to be heart warming was when Jessica said “you mean even when I breath while I sleep?”. After some questions and answers Mrs. Miriam asked for a volunteer to read out of Matthew 25 verses 31-46. Jessica began by reading the verses and then passed the Bible on to Diamond for her to finish. After Diamond read a few verses she stopped and said “I don’t get it!” she continued to read and became more and more intrigued, when she was finished the said “Oh! Now I get it!”. Out of this section of verses the one mainly talked about by Mrs. Miriam was this (40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.') Diamond was very struck by these words, and you could tell she really understood what Jesus was talking about.

They all went on to discuss what Jesus talks about in the Bible about how important it is to care for the poor. Mrs. Miriam read everyone a story that she got from world vision. I just cant tell you enough how attentively the kids sat and how intrigued they were by everything that was talked about. You can really see this passion for those affected by Aids/HIV is coming from their hearts.

The question which was asked a few weeks ago was this “What can you your family and this group do to care for those affected by Aids and HIV?” After more discussion about this question Mrs. Miriam and the group decided they would be using World Vision to head up their project. The Social Justice team decided to go with a care giver kit, these kits go to Africa, Asia, and Latin America to assist those with Aids and HIV. After some more brainstorming they decided they would be hosting a “care giver kit” event to raise the money needed to purchase the kits. Soon the Social Justice Team will be putting together a presentation of their efforts and presenting it to the ILA as a whole. Also they would like to plan an event for everyone in ILA to help put the kits together. Again I will say that seeing young teens having a passion for what God wants us to do is so amazing to see. --Evian Schindler, Program Communications Coordinator

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