Monday, June 15, 2009

Meet Radious

Never have I met a sweeter young woman than Radious Walker-Woods. Radious is a 6th grader who attends the City Impact ILA program on Sunday nights and also volunteers as the GFG manager, on the kitchen crew, and as a worship leader for Bible Club on Tuesdays. I had the privilege of spending some time with Radious on Sunday, I wanted to find out what brought her to City Impact and why she had chosen to be a part of the speaking team.

Radious shared with me that when she was a 1st grader she was always wondering where her cousin Jocelyn was going on Tuesday nights, and come to find out she was attending City Impact’s Bible Club. Radious was interested in doing the same and she started coming to Bible Club. Around the time Radious started coming to Bible Club her family stopped going to church and Radious said that “this (City Impact) is basically my church”, and I get to learn about God.

Like I said in the beginning Radious is a volunteer for Bible Club on Tuesday nights and she shared with me that one of her favorite things is worship “cause its Hype on Bible Club days” those words straight from her mouth, not mine!

This year as Radious is a part of City Impact’s ILA program. She has taken an interest in public speaking and is on the speaking team. Radious likes to speak in front of people she does not know, she says it is easier that way. Radious had the opportunity to speak publicly about City Impact to a group of people she did not know, but she came to find out afterwards that one of her teachers from school was there. Her teacher came up and talked to her, and Radious told me that she probably would not have spoken had she known someone she knew was there. Currently in her speaking team at ILA the students are learning how to write persuasive speeches. Radious has enjoyed writing her persuasive speech; she has said that one of the hardest parts about the speaking team is that she has to share her speech in front of her classmates! Although it is hard for Radious she told me she feels as though it is preparing her for future speaking opportunities she may have.

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