Friday, June 5, 2009

HS Boys leading by example

This Tuesday, the City Impact BBQ got moved into the gym and the church because of the rain earlier in the day. This called for relatively large set up of tables and chairs and a fair amount of flexibility for all involved. It turned out to be a beautiful evening of community as everyone came together for a great evening of fun and fellowship. It was a joy to see the great attitudes as this little dose of “change” was introduced. The City Impact “body” is learning to adapt to change very well and the great attitudes and servant-leadership of the High School Boys from ILA is definitely a component of that. VaDoll, Tyree and TJ have gone from helping when asked (with a good attitude) which is good, to stepping up and looking for ways to help (not expecting anything in return) which is GREAT! From helping out with the younger kids to helping clean up after the event these young men are stretching their leadership skills. They have been a model of consistency, attending nearly every week, developing a bond with each other and the Lord that will be a great source of strength to them as they continue to assume roles of leadership both here in ILA and beyond.
-Ty Westover, 9-12th Boys Classroom Leader

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