Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Setting a Strong Foundation

One Sunday night the ILA Bible study focused on setting a strong foundation. The story the students discussed was about the wise man who built his house upon the rock. If you have not heard the story before, you would not know that it is not just a story about a wise man who built his house upon the rock. It also talks about the foolish man who built his house on the sand.

24"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." Matthew 7:24-27.

The girls were asked to say what they thought the words house, rock, sand, and rain/wind, symbolized. Addy an 8th grader jumped at the chance to answer and quickly raised her hand. Addy said that the house symbolized us. Next Jessica raised her hand and added that the Rock symbolized Jesus. Addy raised her hand and answered the last two, she said that the sand was a symbol of the world and Satan and the rain/wind was a symbol of the trials in our life.

Later, I had the opportunity to speak a bit more in depth with Addy. I asked her if she would tell me more about what she thought of the story from the study. She told me she has heard the story many times, but this time she began to think more and more about the choice. What she meant by the “choice” was what foundation she was going to build her houses on; the rock or the sand. Addy said that she believes our houses would be “so much better if we choose to build them on the rock, but either way we will have trials”. --Evian Schindler, Communications Coordinator

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Social Justice Team Update

It was my second time sitting in on a Leadership team session and this time it was the Social Justice team. Can I just say “wow”; I was thoroughly impressed with how attentively the students sat and how well they participated with such a sensitive and intense subject.

This year the Social Justice team is passionate about reaching out to those affected by HIV and Aids, mainly those in other countries. They are exhausting all options to help and have been doing some research to find out exactly what they can do to best help.

On Sunday Mrs. Miriam who is the Social Justice Team leader began by asking the students “what are things you can get done in a minute?”, Kenneth then volunteered to write all the things they thought of on the board. After the students were finished with the exercise Mrs. Miriam told the students a striking fact, she said that “every minute 4 children are orphaned by parents who die from HIV or Aids”. The students were just amazed at this statistic and began to ask questions. One in particular I found to be heart warming was when Jessica said “you mean even when I breath while I sleep?”. After some questions and answers Mrs. Miriam asked for a volunteer to read out of Matthew 25 verses 31-46. Jessica began by reading the verses and then passed the Bible on to Diamond for her to finish. After Diamond read a few verses she stopped and said “I don’t get it!” she continued to read and became more and more intrigued, when she was finished the said “Oh! Now I get it!”. Out of this section of verses the one mainly talked about by Mrs. Miriam was this (40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.') Diamond was very struck by these words, and you could tell she really understood what Jesus was talking about.

They all went on to discuss what Jesus talks about in the Bible about how important it is to care for the poor. Mrs. Miriam read everyone a story that she got from world vision. I just cant tell you enough how attentively the kids sat and how intrigued they were by everything that was talked about. You can really see this passion for those affected by Aids/HIV is coming from their hearts.

The question which was asked a few weeks ago was this “What can you your family and this group do to care for those affected by Aids and HIV?” After more discussion about this question Mrs. Miriam and the group decided they would be using World Vision to head up their project. The Social Justice team decided to go with a care giver kit, these kits go to Africa, Asia, and Latin America to assist those with Aids and HIV. After some more brainstorming they decided they would be hosting a “care giver kit” event to raise the money needed to purchase the kits. Soon the Social Justice Team will be putting together a presentation of their efforts and presenting it to the ILA as a whole. Also they would like to plan an event for everyone in ILA to help put the kits together. Again I will say that seeing young teens having a passion for what God wants us to do is so amazing to see. --Evian Schindler, Program Communications Coordinator

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ILA Students represent at "Ribs for Kids"

ILA was a little different this week because we had the opportunity to go to Holmes Lake to eat some yummy ribs at the “Ribs for Kids” event that was put on by Phat Jacks of Lincoln (a very delicious BBQ place)! The meaning of my story is not to tell you how wonderful the ribs were or how much fun it was to go as a group to eat them; I want to share with you the way our group (ILA students) presented themselves.

Let me just start by saying it was so wonderful to go on a public outing with a well behaved group of 6th-12th grade students. From my short time of observing I know that it would not be stretching the truth to say that a big part of the reason these students acted this way was because of the commitment they have made to become leaders at the ILA and beyond.

During worship Mr. Todd got up in front of all the students to tell them how proud he was of the way they acted at the “Ribs for Kids” event. He followed by telling them a story about his family and an experience they had at a park just recently. You see Mr. Todd and his family was at a park last week and while they were there a group of teenage kids came onto the playground where all the little kids were playing and “took over” the playground. Mr. Todd explained the teenagers were very rude and mean to all the young children. The teens were only thinking about themselves and eventually all the young children left the park. Mr. Todd went on to say how nice it was to see the ILA students not only having fun at the park, but engaging with the other children on the playground and showing respect the other children who were playing. The ILA students actually started a huge game of tag and included all the little kids on the playground!

The Bible Lesson at ILA on Sunday was about being obedient to God in everything we do. Mr. Todd reiterated the fact that the students were living out their faith in obedience at the “Ribs for Kids” event. Mr. Todd was not the only one who noticed how awesome the students were because they were thanked by many others that night. How wonderful to be with a group of well behaved students in public. I would go anywhere with them!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Meet Radious

Never have I met a sweeter young woman than Radious Walker-Woods. Radious is a 6th grader who attends the City Impact ILA program on Sunday nights and also volunteers as the GFG manager, on the kitchen crew, and as a worship leader for Bible Club on Tuesdays. I had the privilege of spending some time with Radious on Sunday, I wanted to find out what brought her to City Impact and why she had chosen to be a part of the speaking team.

Radious shared with me that when she was a 1st grader she was always wondering where her cousin Jocelyn was going on Tuesday nights, and come to find out she was attending City Impact’s Bible Club. Radious was interested in doing the same and she started coming to Bible Club. Around the time Radious started coming to Bible Club her family stopped going to church and Radious said that “this (City Impact) is basically my church”, and I get to learn about God.

Like I said in the beginning Radious is a volunteer for Bible Club on Tuesday nights and she shared with me that one of her favorite things is worship “cause its Hype on Bible Club days” those words straight from her mouth, not mine!

This year as Radious is a part of City Impact’s ILA program. She has taken an interest in public speaking and is on the speaking team. Radious likes to speak in front of people she does not know, she says it is easier that way. Radious had the opportunity to speak publicly about City Impact to a group of people she did not know, but she came to find out afterwards that one of her teachers from school was there. Her teacher came up and talked to her, and Radious told me that she probably would not have spoken had she known someone she knew was there. Currently in her speaking team at ILA the students are learning how to write persuasive speeches. Radious has enjoyed writing her persuasive speech; she has said that one of the hardest parts about the speaking team is that she has to share her speech in front of her classmates! Although it is hard for Radious she told me she feels as though it is preparing her for future speaking opportunities she may have.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Rap Lyrics inspired by The Word

As many may already know, Tyree Murrell who is a 9th grader here at City Impact is very passionate about music; particularly rapping. In fact, Tyree writes the lyrics himself and then raps them! Tyree does not rap about just anything his raps are inspired by God’s word.

At ILA on Sunday before starting in on study time, I caught Mr. Ty and Tyree in an exciting conversation. Mr. Ty, who is Tyree’s ILA teacher, was asking Tyree where he gets the ideas for the lyrics of his songs. Tyree began to tell him that he reads the Bible while listening to music and from there he is inspired to write lyrics. Mr. Ty began to tell Tyree about the sermon he heard earlier that morning at church. The sermon was based off of Psalm 76. After talking a few minutes about the sermon, Tyree quickly informed Mr. Ty that he had been in that same church service that very morning! Mr. Ty started sharing the notes he wrote during the service with Tyree. You should have seen how excited Tyree got when he told Mr. Ty that his notes had a rhyme! Tyree went crazy, he was so excited and took the notebook from Mr. Ty and began to read them over again, he was so intrigued and knew immediately he would be able to make a song out of his teacher’s notes.

When Mr. Ty sat in church Sunday morning he didn’t know Tyree was also there, nor did he know that the notes he was taking would impact Tyree later on that evening at ILA. Tyree was so excited talking about the new lyrics he was going to use for his new song, he was even able to come up with a beat! Mr. Ty looked at Tyree and said “God must really want this to be a song.”

Friday, June 5, 2009

HS Boys leading by example

This Tuesday, the City Impact BBQ got moved into the gym and the church because of the rain earlier in the day. This called for relatively large set up of tables and chairs and a fair amount of flexibility for all involved. It turned out to be a beautiful evening of community as everyone came together for a great evening of fun and fellowship. It was a joy to see the great attitudes as this little dose of “change” was introduced. The City Impact “body” is learning to adapt to change very well and the great attitudes and servant-leadership of the High School Boys from ILA is definitely a component of that. VaDoll, Tyree and TJ have gone from helping when asked (with a good attitude) which is good, to stepping up and looking for ways to help (not expecting anything in return) which is GREAT! From helping out with the younger kids to helping clean up after the event these young men are stretching their leadership skills. They have been a model of consistency, attending nearly every week, developing a bond with each other and the Lord that will be a great source of strength to them as they continue to assume roles of leadership both here in ILA and beyond.
-Ty Westover, 9-12th Boys Classroom Leader

Thursday, June 4, 2009

6-8th Boys make an Impact

What is something you can do this week, with God’s help, to show sacrificial love and kindness?

According to Mr. Todd, who is the 6-8th grade boys leader, an Impact Goal is not something you are NOT going to do, but something you ARE going to do. Cameron shared that not fighting with his sister was a goal of his for the week. (don't get us wrong that is a good goal, just not exactly what we're going for) Very kindly, Mr. Todd explained that his goal did not fall into the guidelines for an impact goal and he was asked to come up with another goal. Here are some examples of the goals shared around the circle… Matt decided he would find a time to help his mom out by babysitting his 3 year old sister. Zach said he was going to use the knowledge he has and pass it along to his friend by helping a friend study for the CRT’s. Ale said he was going to be more aware of the things his mother does for him and make it a point to say thank you to her more often. As the circle made its way back to Cameron he stated he would help his sister clean her room this week.

It is so wonderful to see young men expressing care for others by acts of kindness. This week at ILA the 6-8th grade boys shared how they had shown kindness by their actions last week. Zach helped his grandmother (who is in a wheelchair) at the store by pushing the cart; he also helped her get her wheelchair in and out of the car. Ale helped a dear friend cope with the loss of her father by talking to her and trying to take her mind off of things, he said he was just “there for her”. Cameron helped his dad fix the car breaks by bringing his dad the tools necessary to fix the breaks. Matt helped his mother by weeding the garden and watering the plants. God calls us to serve one another and hearing how these boys helped was very encouraging.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

ILA Teen Volunteers Reflect

My Favorite thing this past year of volunteering at City Impact is….

“When we had the Black History Celebration and my class decided to do thank you cards and write letters to Ruby Bridges. Mrs. Anna read us the story about her and we made letter and a big poster board for her. We decorated it with pictures and drawings that we made.” –C.C. (C.C. is a small group leader with the 3rd graders)

“When Isaiah ate some HOT chips and said they weren’t hot, but when he got done with them he popped up off the floor and asked me could he get a drink. I said yes, because I know the chips was HOT!- Tyree (Isaiah is one of the 2nd graders in Tyree’s room)

“Another one of my favorite memories is when one of the little students from City Impact came up to me and told me he really liked my songs and wanted me to perform the songs again so he could learn them” –Tyree (Tyree writes and performs Christian Rap music and the kids really look up to him for creating worship they can relate to!)

“My favorite memory is when I got to take all the kids in my classroom out into the gym and we played a game. It was very fun and it was nice to know that I was making them have fun!” –T.T. (1st grade small group leader)

“My favorite memory in the past year at City Impact is that the kitchen makes me feel like I can help and I’m not just a little teenager. I love counting the little kids, helping others, delivering their food and seeing their faces.” –Radious (Worship Team, GFG Store Manager and Kitchen Crew)

“My other experience is worship. Just seeing how us worshiping influences [the kids] to get hype and sing for Jesus. When they pray they just give love to God. I love singing and worshiping for God!” –Radious