Thursday, October 29, 2009

Philanthropy Team Update

The Philanthropy team is still pushing forward with the motivation to get enough money raised for the playground, which will be built for the Friendship Home here in Lincoln.

Currently the Philanthropy team is getting ready for a fund raiser, which is a “dress down day” for local businesses. In order to participate in the “dress down day”, employees will have to pay $5 to “dress down” on November 4th. All of the proceeds will go towards building the playground.

The philanthropy team has been split into two teams; one the advertising team and the other the calling team. The advertising team is working on literature which can be given to businesses to promote this “dress down day” and the calling team is working on calling 28 businesses throughout Lincoln with the hopes of getting them to participate.

Second, the team is working on getting a presentation put together so when they are asked what they do they will be prepared to share. Ultimately, they would like to share what they are doing with all of the other leadership teams and potential public crowds.

I have been very pleased to see all the students working together to make this project a success. They are all excited about building the playground! Along with being a part of the team, each student is learning how he/she can use the special skills that God has gifted each of them with. I can’t wait to see what happens in the end.

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