Tuesday, October 27, 2009

6-8th Grade Girls Impact Journals

"What is one thing God helped me do lately,
that I didn't have to do,
which showed kindness or sacrificial love to others?"

Today I helped Rhonda and her sisters get their younger 1’s inside and when Rhonda (the youngest) came out I picked her up and kept her warm in my coat. I could tell that Rhonda and her sisters were glad cuz of the smiles on their faces. I felt glad too cuz I was trying to help their younger sister not catch a cold.


What I did this week to show sacrificial love was yesterday my friend Alyson called me because she wanted to take me to some pumpkin patch/haunted house place and I really wanted to go but I told her no because I wanted to spend time with my older sister because it was her Birthday.


My baby sister and I were running around the house and apparently she had cheerios in a little bowl and she turned around and ran to the bathroom door and poured cheerios on the floor and my mom ran out and saw what she did and my mom was mad and I told her that I would clean it up instead of her cleaning it up all the time.


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