Friday, October 16, 2009

Impact Goals

During the first part of the class time on Sunday the 6-8th grade girls worked on setting impact goals for the week. Each girl got right to work; they were all very quiet and respectful as they let each other work.

When the time was up Mrs. Miriam asked if the girls would share their goal for the week. The room was quiet and there were only a few who offered to share.

Emilia- “On Wednesday I will help my friend with her math homework.”

Jocelyn- “I will help my friend with her problem in school.”

Javaen- ‘I will apologize for the way I acted to teachers and authorities’ on Wednesday when I go back to school.”

I am always eager to hear goals the students are setting for the week, and I was glad at least a few were willing to share.

Mrs. Miriam used the end of sharing time as an opportunity to do a little “teaching”. She pointed out that there were not too many ladies who were willing to share. She said that she would never force anyone to share, but really encouraged the ladies to share. Mrs. Miriam said they should be proud to share their goals because it will encourage other students. Mrs. Miriam also explained that some of the others may have a hard time knowing what it looks like to show sacrificial love to others and when you share your goal they might get ideas of how they can show sacrificial love to others.

I was really glad that Mrs. Miriam took the time to do a little “teaching” and did not let the opportunity slip by. I really think more of the girls will share next time!

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