Thursday, October 1, 2009

6-8th Grade Boys Jump Right Back Into the Swing of Things

ILA started again on Sunday after a 3 week break. Often after breaks it can be hard to pick up where we left off and students can be a little rowdy, but this was not the case on Sunday. I had the opportunity to sit in on classrooms and observe the events of the evening and could not have been more blessed with the outcome.

I was hoping I could catch the 6-8th grade boys Impact Journal time and when I walked into the class room I was just in time. All the students were sitting quietly with heads bowed and Mr. Todd was just finishing up praying for the evening. (I really appreciate how Mr. Todd has a way of teaching principles; what I mean is, Mr. Todd was talking to God through prayer and asking that he would guide the students as they write in their Impact Journals.) God tells us to pray on all occasions and I have found that praying for something right before I do it makes a big difference in how I perform.

The students split into two small groups and I joined up with Mr. Brandon (6-8th grade boys leader), Kenneth, Cameron and Zach. The boys had the opportunity to begin writing in their Journals starting with their goals. I was just so amazed to see how these boys reacted by getting right to business writing. They were sitting so quietly and concentrating on what they were doing, they were especially respectful of each others time and did not talk. When it came time to share, once again the boys did not hesitate. Cameron was the first to share and began by telling us that his goal was to help decorate for his sisters birthday party on Saturday, Zach said he was going to help a friend all week at practice “practice catching” because they are on the same football team, and Kenneth was going to clean his room and keep it clean for 2 weeks! Each boy seemed to be excited to share what they had set as a goal for the week, and I could not be more excited to experience their participation.

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