Thursday, November 5, 2009

Meet TT and CC

For awhile now many of you have been meeting the Bible Club students one by one, little by little, and now it is time for you to meet our ILA students.

When I picked who I was going to do a mini bio on I wanted to do the Hite twins separately, but when I sat down to interview them they were sitting together and when I began to ask questions to one the other would chime in and so I decided I would do a bio of them together!

Vontesaya (T.T.) and Vontesa (C.C.) are twins and 8th graders here at the ILA program. These girls are not only faithful to come on Sunday evenings, they also come on Tuesday evenings to volunteer for Bible Club. I asked T.T. and C.C. how they got their nicknames and they told me that when they were about three years old they just started calling themselves T.T. and C.C.

Both girls attend Park Middle School where they are in the 8th grade. They were born on April 29. They have 3 sisters and one brother. C.C.’s favorite color is blue and T.T. loves pink. When asked what their favorite food is they both said pizza! T.T. and C.C. love track and both participate in the 100m dash and the 4/100 relay. The person they love most here on earth is their mother.

I asked the girls if they knew they only had one more day to live how would you spend that day and this is what each said; C.C. “go shopping, have a party and invite everyone I know!” T.T. ‘spend it with all my family, and I would eat a lot of food cause you never want to die hungry!”

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