Thursday, November 19, 2009

The New Addition

I am so excited to share with you the newest addition to City Impact’s ILA program. A few Sundays ago during worship, Mrs. Ashley told all the students that there was a very special person who really wanted to use their passion to lead a dance/arts team with any ILA students who were interested. Mrs. Ashley then called Mrs. Angela Pillow to come to the front and she began to share.

Mrs. Angela is the mother to three of the students who participate in City Impact’s ILA program, and she shared with all the students her passion for dancing and how her purpose now is to dance for the Lord. She has a very strong calling to share this passion with other students who are interested. There were many students who were interested and they were told that if they wanted to be a part of this new team, they needed to show up the next Sunday at 5pm.

When Sunday came and there were a great number of students who showed up, fourteen in all! They started by talking about what they wanted to be as a team, and together they dreamed up a list of ideas. Here are some of the ideas: dance, think of nick names, uniforms, step, skits-message, drill, line dance, jump, hula hoop, beats-make own, cooking, hair, art, painting and many more things. When you ask these students to dream and think big they have amazing ideas!

When the list was completed Mrs. Angela asked the students what they wanted to start working on and all of the students decided that they wanted to work on step.

Mrs. Angela then took some time to share with the students that she believes in God and it is because of him that they are on this team, and because of this everything they will be doing will be for God alone!

Next, Mrs. Angela taught the students 2 scripture cheers, the first was Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” and the second Phil 2:14 “Do everything without complaining or arguing.” She then explained that if anyone says “I can’t” then they will have to do the Phil 4:13 cheer twice and if anyone complains or argues they will have to do the Phil 2:14 cheer. Then Mrs. Angela talked to the students about how important it is to stretch before doing physical activity. So Mrs. Angela led a time of stretching along to some upbeat Christian music. When they were finished stretching they got together in a circle and began to help each other come up with some step moves.

After all the students had left, I stuck around to ask Mrs. Angela a few questions. We talked about why she wanted to get started doing this and she shared that she knows we are able to move and breathe because of Jesus and she wants to do this for him. Also, she wants to make sure this is being done to share a message, and she shared that a lot of prayer has gone into this and she is just trusting God.

It really was so exciting to see all of these students enjoy what they were doing and even better that they are being taught by someone whose passion is to do this for the Lord! Mrs. Angela brings a lot of knowledge and I know she is so excited to see where this all will lead.

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