Monday, July 5, 2010


Oh, do I love visiting the writing team, where personal experiences mix with feelings on pages of notebook paper.

The girls who are participating on the team are dedicated to the skill God has given them and are eager to write from the heart. God truly has given these students a gift, and it is so fun to see them put it to practice. Currently they are working on putting a magazine together. Their inspiration is a book, which they have been reading called Red (the next generation of American writers, teenage girls- on what fires up their lives today). This book is compiled of essays written by teenage girls on their own personal experiences. The pieces the students of the writing team are currently working on are, “Describing a family member” and “Various thoughts on beauty”. The girls have already written rough drafts and are working on reading and critiquing each others pieces. They girls hope to have their first pieces published in the magazine by the banquet in October. They would like to have it available to give to City Impact’s supporters, so they can share what God is doing through the writing team at the Impact Leadership Academy.

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