Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Special Visit

A visit was made by three men and three women from Omaha, who came to see what City Impact’s Impact Leadership Academy is all about. These individuals work in ministry in Omaha and also attend Bridge church together.

They joined the 6-8th grade boy’s and girl’s classrooms, and later split up and attended different Leadership Teams. During worship Myron (works for Abide and also is on staff at Bridge church) asked students from each Leadership Team to stand and share a bit about what they are currently working on. Mercedez, Zach, Vadoll, CC, and Cameron all shared on behalf of their Leadership Team. They all did a wonderful job describing what each team does. Myron went on to ask some more detailed questions, and I was very pleased to see how respectful each student was when responding to each question he had.

It was fun to have the group from Omaha there with us on Sunday, and from what I could see the students enjoyed getting to know them a bit.

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