Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pressing On

The Philanthropy team is still hard at work making efforts toward raising money to help fund the playground project for the Friendship Home. Currently the plan stands to raise money to provide matting under the playground, re doing the play house, padding around the sand box, and hopefully benches for the mothers to sit on while they watch their kids. The dress down day was a success and brought in $400.00. Students are still pushing the coin jars and plan to re launch the idea to get Bible Club students excited again. The students have written grant letter to Youth Inspire and later learned that at this time Youth Inspire can’t fund the $2,000 they were asking for, but did tell the students to please keep them in mind for help with future volunteer efforts. They did not let this discourage them, they got right back on the ball and are just finishing up another grant letter, which will soon be reviewed and sent off. A date in July has been set to stop all fundraising because they hope to start with the project in August. More to come later!

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