Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stepping for God

If you were asked to do something for God that might outwardly embarrass you, would you do it?

The Dance Team is learning how to be bolder. Mrs. Angela (Dance Team Leader) wants them to get used to dancing in front of people, so on Sunday the dance team hit the sidewalks. They all marched outside, where they planned on practicing their step routine while walking down the sidewalk on 14th street. Can you imagine doing this while all those cars were driving by?! Well they did it, and from what I could see there was no complaining coming from the students. Later, I had the chance to talk to Radious (student on Dance Team) about dancing down the sidewalk. She said that Mrs. Angela had asked them before they went out if they would do anything for God, and most of the students said yes. Radious shared that Mrs. Angela emphasized the fact that the reason they are dancing and have the Dance Team in the first place is so they can use their talents for God!

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