Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Topic at ILA making an Impact

The high school boys are really taking to heart this topic of sex and dating. A few weeks back I shared a highlight with all of you about the high school boys giving up their turn to go through the line first at our Thanksgiving meal. For the past few weeks the high school boys having been hard at work putting together a rap to share with all the girls of ILA. Tonight we got to see the finished piece of work, and boy was it good!

See the boys had spent a lot of time writing a rap after Romans 12. VaDoll has a gift for playing the drums and so he held the beat for the other boys who rapped. Tyree started them off, and then TJ and Victor jumped in. Lastly VaDoll read the last verse. This rap was centered around Romans 12:9-12 read below to hear how it went.

I had the opportunity to ask Tyree what one thing he hopes the girls will take away from hearing this tonight. “For my verse you should not like evil things like the devil and then God is what is good so cling onto him wherever you are at.”

“Tyree- Listen up girls this is something you should hear. Romans 12:9 says your love must be sincere. Hate what is evil cling onto what is good even if your at church ILA or in the hood.

TJ- yeah we stompin on the devil like you cant see me Romans 12:10 says love each other deeply

Victor- Listen up girls this is something that is real Romans 12:11 says never be lacking in zeal.

VaDoll- read Romans 12:12 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

It was so fun to watch the boys and the girls just loved it! I am so proud of the high school boys and their passionate hearts and their willingness to take to heart what is being taught.

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