Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Meet Zach

Zach has been a part of City Impact for 4 or 5 years now and is currently in the 8th grade at our ILA program on Sunday evenings. Zach attends Culler Middle School and he has 5 brothers! His favorite color is blue and he loves any kind of corn bread. One thing he has learned about God since he has been coming to ILA is this “if you pray for it, it will come to you in some kind of way”. Zach’s favorite thing about City Impact is the GFG (Gifts from God) store because “you get to buy things for you and friends and family”. If Zach knew he only had one more day to live he would spend the day at Champions riding go- carts! I had to ask him, “Why go-carts?” He told me that he would not have gotten the chance to drive, so he would want to ride the go-carts to get that driving experience!

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