Friday, December 11, 2009


We all had the opportunity to join together for a wonderful thanksgiving meal. Before we began eating a prayer was said for the food and then everyone was ready to eat. Mrs. Anna had explained to the students that after the prayer she would dismiss each table. The students were all sitting according to their classrooms and Mrs. Anna asked the High School boys to get up and go eat. After a bit of whispering from their table the boys told Mrs. Anna that they wanted to give their turn to the High School girls. Everyone “oooed” and “awwed” because that was really a sacrifice for those boys!

After the festivities of dinner, Mrs. Angela (Substitute Teacher for CI) did a one person monologue about sexual purity for all of the students. In the beginning of the story Mrs. Tasha (Assessments Coordinator) played the role of God who was creating a girl named Monica, and he was saying out loud all the things he was filling her heart with. Then, we jump to Monica on her first day of High School and followed her throughout as she gave her heart to too many boys. She ends up giving too many pieces of her heart away and when she finally meets the man she wants to marry she only has one small piece left to give him. This story told about how important it is to keep our hearts whole because God created them to be whole! And if He has called us to marriage he has already picked out that person so we don’t have to go along giving pieces of our hearts away. Mrs. Angela (Substitute Teacher for CI) did such a wonderful job and was hilarious! All the students loved watching her and gave good feedback at the end.

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