Thursday, May 21, 2009

Teen Volunteer-- Mercedez's favorite memory

My favorite memory from this past year of volunteering at City Impact is learning how to send kids to reroute (where kids go to work out behavior issues and take personal responsibility for their actions). I know it sounds mean, but I do it because I love her, and by her I mean Katherine. I don’t want to pick favorites, cuz I love them all the same, but Katherine is my fav. I love her so much.

One day I had to give her 2 warnings because she wasn’t following directions and she kept on not listening. So I had to send her out of class to reroute. It was very hard for me for me because I used to be just like her. About 2 years ago when Mrs. Ashley first started at CI she sent me to reroute all the time. Oh my gosh, I hated it! But now I see why she did it, because she loves me and now I have a great relationship with her. I shared that with Katherine and she loved my story and then she willingly went to reroute for me with no problems.

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