Friday, May 8, 2009

Addison's Story

Seven years ago, City Impact welcomed Addison into the Bible Club program. Addison enrolled in Bible Club when she was in first grade and she has enjoyed her years spent with City Impact as she continues to grow in her faith and evolve into an exceptional young lady .
Some of Addison’s favorite Bible Club and ILA memories consist of game time and summer activities. She stills remembers a valuable lesson she learned at Bible Club back in 1st grade. The lesson was about the story of Adam and Eve. For game time, the 1st graders were asked to just look, but not eat, out of the giant bowl of yummy candy that lingered within close reach. Just as Adam and Eve were instructed by God not to eat any of the fruit of the tree in the Garden of Eden, Addison and her peers were told not to eat the candy. That night at Bible Club the students learned a valuable lesson. God wants His people to obey His word and resist temptations from Satan. Addison still reflects on this lesson seven years later. In addition, Addison also shared that City Impact has helped her understand how praying is like a personal conversation with God and it really does work.
Not only have the lessons and prayer impacted Addison’s life, so have many of her classroom leaders. During an interview with Addison, she expressed her love for the classroom leaders she has been blessed with while involved at City Impact. The following have ministered to Addison during her walk with Christ at City Impact: Wanda, Ashley, Miriam, and Erica.
Recently, Addison has been blessed with the opportunity to spend extra devotional time outside of club with one of her role models. Erica, the 6-8th grade girls leader, has a vibrant compassion to share the Lord’s unconditional love with her students. Addison and Erica meet outside of ILA nearly once a week to spend time in the scriptures together. Addison shared how grateful she was that Erica has helped her grow in her relationship with God. They discuss how God sent Jesus to die for their sins and community reach out opportunities. In addition, City Impact is blessed to have Erica take extra time outside of club to build a one-on-one relationship with Addison. This has been an amazing opportunity for Addison to grow in her faith and have a positive role model to look up to.
One way Addison has used her faith to reach out is through her peers. Addison and one of her close friends call each other and share prayer request two to three times a week. It is such a blessing to watch Addison grow and strengthen her faith with the Lord. We pray that Addison stays strong and continues to share her faith with the people around her.

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