Friday, May 15, 2009

Praying for Others

Sunday evening at ILA, Erica (6-8th grade Classroom Leader) decided to mix up the normal routine schedule. Instead of beginning the night with stamps, goals, and journals, Erica asked the girls to look at a map of the world and pick a number. One of the students chose a number and Erica turned to the map to see that the number picked was located on Asia. Erica explained the importance of praying for people around the country even though we don’t know or see them. So, the 6-8th grade girls classroom spent time praying for the country of Asia and the people who reside there. They prayed that God would come into their lives, protect them and strengthen their faith. Erica used an excellent example to teach the junior high girls how to pray for others rather than only your personal wants and needs.

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