Thursday, August 20, 2009

High School Girls Servant hood

Last semester, the HS girls group had become very small in numbers. Most times, throughout the summer there would only be one student. More often than not I chose another class room to sit in on and therefore missed the opportunities to visit the High School girls’ room. I decided to make a goal for myself to visit the High School girls’ room when we came together again for our first ILA meeting at First Baptist Church.

I was so excited when I walked into the High School girls’ room on Sunday because I saw not just one but three students! In fact, there are 7 high school girls are the roster, but a few were unable to make it the first night! Mrs. Anna is also a new addition (not to City Impact) but to the High School girls’ classroom and will be co- teaching along with Mrs. Mollie.

As many of you readers know, City Impact places a good amount of importance in each student setting weekly impact goals. Impact Goals are ways the students can bless others during their week with God’s help and grace. On Sunday, Mrs. Anna began by talking about how this summer the Lord taught her a lot about having a servants heart, she stated that “sometimes no one notices your acts of service, but God does”.

Mrs. Anna went on to share with the girls a passage from the Bible in John 13 where Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. She was able to relate a story from her trip to Costa Rica this summer; she talked about how no matter what kind of shoes you were wearing your feet would get dirty, very dirty! She also talked about how in Jesus’ time there would be servants at each home who would wash the feet of whoever would enter the house.

Mrs. Anna went back to the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and talked about what an ultimate act of service this was for Jesus our creator, the king over the entire universe; He stooped down and became a servant and washed the dirty feet of his disciples. All this to say, talking about this story lead into talking about Journals and how they are the students personal journey of how God is shaping them to be servants “you are learning how to wash the feet of others every week”.

I have heard that story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples many, many times, but never had I heard anyone describe so beautifully the act which Jesus did. Mrs. Anna really wanted to emphasize how important it is to think of their Journals as a spiritual endeavor, not just something they have to do.

After all the talking the girls dove right into writing their goals for the week. On Monday, Patty decided she would set her alarm and get up early enough to make Kiesha’s bed. Diamond said, that on Monday she was going to help out at home by cleaning and clearing out the living room and the bedrooms for a garage sale, she wanted to do this because her mom usually does all the cleaning and clearing out of things. Mercedez is going to rub her dad’s feet and back on Tuesday when he gets home from work because she knows after a long hard days work he will appreciate it.

I left that room that night with a new understanding of what Jesus has done for me.

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