Thursday, August 6, 2009

Committed- Zach & VaDoll

VaDoll "V-Diddy"

I have been attending the ILA program meetings as an observer for a few months now and have been struck every time by how dedicated some of the students are to the ILA program. Particularly, I am speaking of two students Zach being one and VaDoll the other. Zach is an 8th grader in Mr. Todd’s classroom and VaDoll is a 9th grader in Mr. Ty & Adam’s room. The reason I am speaking of these two boys is because over the short period of time I have been with City Impact I have noticed dedication by these boys to attend not only the program on Sunday evenings, but also other activities which correspond with helping ILA.

For instance, one Sunday the philanthropy team (who is working towards raising enough money to build a playground for the children of the Friendship home) held a carwash from 12pm – 4pm. Both Zach and Vadoll, who are not even on the philanthropy leadership team, were at the car wash helping out their peers. I am talking about this because I noticed that even though they spent all afternoon outside working, they still chose to come to the evening program from 6-9pm! Then, they did the same thing again the next weekend!

This really made me take notice and these boys, so I did some investigating. You see, Zach and Vadoll come to ILA with Mrs. Precious (who is the reroute coordinator) and so I was just thinking that she made them come. I decided to find out from Precious what the truth was. After speaking with Mrs. Precious I found out that Zach and Vadoll have been involved with City Impact for the past 5 years and every bit of it has been important to them. I asked Mrs. Precious if Zach and VaDoll come because she encourages them to or by their own choice. I was informed that because City Impact means so much to them they are always willing to help out in whatever way possible to give back to City Impact. --Evian Schindler, Youth Program Communications Coordinator

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