Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Prayer Time- Jr. High Girls

As the 6-8th grade girls were wrapping up their study time on Sunday, Mrs. Ashley asked that Miss Molly and Mrs. Julie lead the girls in a time of prayer. Unfortunately, the girls were not in the least bit happy to participate. I began to hear grumbling coming from the girls about how they did not want to do this. I then realized, that they were only grumbling because they were nervous and a little timid to pray outloud. Then, Miss Molly had the idea to use the prayer cards and what a HIT it was! The prayer cards can be held by each person during prayer and it gives small cues on what to say. They go through a round of praising God, repenting, and then asking for God’s help with something going on in life.

With little hesitation the cards were passed out and they began to pray prayers of praise. Radious praised god for listening when she talks, Emeilia praised God for creating the earth and all the wonderful people in it, Jaszmine praised God for loving her, and Jessica praised God for being strong, loving her and being king.

Next the girls asked for forgiveness through prayer, and most of their prayers consisted of asking for forgiveness for not obeying their parents and being unkind to others.

The last round of prayer was so sweet to me. When Jazmine prayed for her grandmother who is ill in the hospital, Jessica followed by praying for a problem in her life and then she prayed again for Jazmine’s grandmother! It was so beautiful to see Jessica pick up on the fact that it was important to Jazmine to pray for her grandmother and Jessica showed she cared by also praying for her.

By the end of prayer time all the girls were so excited and could not stop talking about how much better prayer time was using the prayer cards. I found that the girls are more than happy to pray they just need a little help sometimes.--Evian Schindler, Program Communications Coordinator

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