Monday, July 20, 2009

ILA Worship- Faith Obstacles

As the theme of the study for the night was "Stepping out in Faith" Mrs. Ashley decided to do a demonstration of this and so an obstacle course was put together. Mrs. Ashley asked for a volunteer and all the boys eagerly raised their hands. Mrs. Ashley called on Zach and he came forward. She then told him to choose a partner, someone he trusts and he chose Ale. A blind fold was given to Ale and he was told to blindfold Zach, then he was given an egg on a spoon and told that Ale was to guide him through the obstacle course! Ale guided Zach very well because his egg never fell nor did it break!

Mrs. Ashley gave the girls a chance to participate and Emelia was chosen. Emelia was given the opportunity to choose a partner to guide her through and she chose Zach. Emelia was really thinking when she picked Zach, because he had just gone through the obstacle and would have a good idea as to what she would be facing. Emeila made it through the obstacle without any problems. Mrs. Ashley went on to ask Emelia if she thought it was easier to go trough the obstacle since she had watched Zach go through it and she said it was easier. This was a good illustration showing that if we allow God to he will guide us through the obstacles we face in our own lives.--Evian Schindler, Youth Program Communications Coordinator

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