Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ILA Impact Journal Entries

"What is one thing God helped me do lately, that I didn’t have to do, which showed kindness or sacrificial love to others?"

"Yesterday when I went to Omaha we went to a restaurant and I ordered a cheeseburger and my sister ordered chicken but she thought she ordered what I got. So when the food came she was kinda mad so I let her have mine and I could have hers."--Cameron, 6-8th Boys Class

"Be kind to my sister and show her how much I love her (everyday this week) I let her watch the brat dolls in my room when I was watching a tv show already."--TT, 6-8th Girls Class

"My mamma had no one to help her move because we were moving into our new house. So I helped her and it made her happy because the outcome we got moved in and settled in quickly."--Ashlee, 6-8th Girls

"Friday I babysat all day then when I got home I babysat my little brother so my parents could go on a date."--Addy, 6-8th Girls

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