Tuesday, April 28, 2009

T.T.- Youth Leader

Here at City Impact, we encourage our ILA students to volunteer at the Bible Club program. Not only are these special teen volunteers coming to ILA on Sunday nights, but these teens also dedicate their Tuesday nights as small group leaders for grades 1 through 5. This provides our teens with extended fellowship, a great leadership opportunity, and a positive & supportive environment.

The following is an example of God’s amazing love working through a teen volunteer (written by the classroom leader):

“T.T., our junior high helper, is doing great! Tonight, she volunteered to read a book to the kids and she smiled the whole time. She also stopped to tell the kids how she knew God loved her. It was so fun to watch.” – Jami, 1st Grade Classroom Leader

ILA Mission
Teens using their God-given strengths to make a difference in the world!

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