Thursday, April 2, 2009

Life Application

A few weeks ago I just felt I had the opportunity to see God at work in a young woman’s life. After we finished writing journals, I asked if I could look over what they’d written and one of them stood out. In the past week a tragic event had happened in the life of one of our teen’s friends; her mother had died. I was moved by our teen’s actions in response to her friend’s pain and suffering. Recently, we had read the story of Job, emphasizing how his friends initially came just to sit and pray with him while he was in pain and sadness. They would just come and be with him through his suffering. Similarly, our teen did not attempt to tell her friend she understood the situation, but instead she just sat and prayed. She mourned and cried with her, acting exactly like she felt a friend should.
--Libby, 6-8th grade girls Small Group Leader

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