Thursday, April 9, 2009

Speaking Team Update

The last couple weeks the speaking team has been watching “The Great Debaters.” They learned of the preparation and research it takes to prepare an effective argument as well as the skill it takes to present that argument in a persuasive way. At the conclusion of the movie, we asked the team members to stand and give an impromptu speech about what they had done in the last week. That way it was not something they had to memorize, but it was interesting and engaging. It was a joy to watch because at different times during each young person’s talk there was a moment when they relaxed to the point of real communication. Usually, that happened when it was apparent that they had engaged their audience. It is so exciting to see the vast potential that God has gifted these young people with and I can not wait to see how He will use their gifts for His glory!
--Ty Westover, Speaking Team Assistant

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