Friday, August 13, 2010

Speaking Team Update

The Speaking Team has made leaps and bounds since I first saw them about a year ago. Since last fall, the team has added a few 6th graders and one 8th grade student. Like I have shared before, each student uses their talents from God to bring their part to the team and together they work really well. I don’t want to say that I have a favorite leadership team because I really do love them all, but I ALWAYS enjoy sitting and watching the students at work on the Speaking Team. The energy in the room, though sometimes very, very high, is pleasing and I usually laugh every time I am with them. The students have been working on a play about the Big Bad Wolfe and the Three Little Pigs. Each student has a part which they have been practicing on for quite a few weeks now, and they have gotten quite good! Last time I visited they were working on things like projecting their voices, slowing down when saying their lines, and pronouncing their words clearly. After every read through the audience gets to give critiques, like speak louder and don’t look at your script all the time. Everyone was working really hard for their performance in July for the Kiwanis Club. I can’t wait to ask each student how it went, and then come back and tell all of you what I find out!

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