Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Meet Ty Westover

Ty Westover was raised in Burwell Nebraska where he lived with a wonderful Christian Family. His dad, mom and two brothers also live here in Nebraska. Ty is married to Bert and has two children. His favorite color is green and his favorite food is “Bert’s casserole”. Ty enjoys using his free time to play sports, volleyball, basketball, ski as well as read books and play video games. Ty has been connected to City Impact from the beginning with Brad and Carma, and also Bert (his wife) has worked with City Impact for many years while Ty was still working with the youth at Berean. Past experiences like working at Maranatha Camp and with the Berean Youth group for many years has led Ty to work with the teens at the Impact Leadership Academy. Ty has been a part of the Impact Leadership Academy since it started last year and he works with the Senior High Guys and with the ILA Speaking Team. One of Ty’s “favorite recent memories from ILA comes from seeing the level of improvement and confidence that the Speaking Team has developed over the last year and a half”. We are all so thankful for the effort and time Ty puts into working with the Impact Leadership Academy students and love having him on the team.

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