Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hear from the 6-8th grade girls as they tell us what they
did over the Holiday break to show Personal Responsibility.

Hope - “I cleaned my cousin’s house and I watched my sister so my mom could go to the store”.

Emilia -“At my dad’s house I helped my grandma make the turkey and then I washed dishes
after dinner was done."

Kayonna – “I have chores that I have to do and every time my grandma has to tell me
to do them, but this time she did not tell me I just did them."

TT- “I cleaned the whole house while everyone was still sleeping”.

CC- “I offered to clean up the dishes after dinner and I also helped with picking up wrapping

Jocelyn-“Last night my brother and I we helped my mom by packing up some of our things for
our move even though she did not ask us to help”.

Cecily- “I helped do the dishes after Christmas dinner; it took a lot off my moms hands”.

Radious- “When my mom got stuck in her car I helped push the car.”

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