Friday, January 29, 2010

Meet Kenneth

Kenneth has been with City Impact since he was a 2nd grader. He is now a part of the Impact Leadership Academy as an 8th grader and also volunteers his time on Tuesday nights for Bible Club. Kenneth attends Park Middle School during the week. His favorite colors are red, green, black and silver. He loves his dad’s spaghetti, which is different because it has sausage and peppers in it. Kenneth has two brothers and one sister. He loves sports, wrestling in particular, and thinks of him self as being creative. One thing Kenneth loves about ILA is that it’s fun because you get to learn about God in a different way. I asked Kenneth what one thing he has learned about God this year and he said this, “I have learned how stuff in the Bible can relate to stuff today.” If Kenneth knew he only had one more day to live he said he would spend it by buying tickets to a Raiders football game.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hear from the 6-8th grade girls as they tell us what they
did over the Holiday break to show Personal Responsibility.

Hope - “I cleaned my cousin’s house and I watched my sister so my mom could go to the store”.

Emilia -“At my dad’s house I helped my grandma make the turkey and then I washed dishes
after dinner was done."

Kayonna – “I have chores that I have to do and every time my grandma has to tell me
to do them, but this time she did not tell me I just did them."

TT- “I cleaned the whole house while everyone was still sleeping”.

CC- “I offered to clean up the dishes after dinner and I also helped with picking up wrapping

Jocelyn-“Last night my brother and I we helped my mom by packing up some of our things for
our move even though she did not ask us to help”.

Cecily- “I helped do the dishes after Christmas dinner; it took a lot off my moms hands”.

Radious- “When my mom got stuck in her car I helped push the car.”

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Update on the Dance Team

Has anyone been wondering what the Dance Team is up to? Well I know I have, that is why tonight I decided to drop in to see what was going on. Loud noises, talking, and lots of movement filled the room as I walked in. On most days I am sure this kind of commotion would have bothered anyone, but for some reason it did not bother me at all.

A while back when the dance team started getting together they talked a lot about what they wanted the team to look like and what they wanted to do together for God. They all decided that they wanted to use their own talents in some way. Some were going to use their love of music, some dance, and some acting/theater.

Tonight the noise was coming from the boys on the base drum and the dancing from the girls. If you know VaDoll you probably know that he is passionate about playing the drums, and if you know Tyree you know he can definitely keep the beat going whether it is with his mouth, drum, table, etc… Many of the girls are really wonderful at dancing and also are really willing to learn new things.

Currently the students along with Mrs. Angela (dance team leader) are getting together their dance for the Black History celebration. It was so fun to see what everyone was doing to work together to make things fun and run smoothly. VaDoll, Tyree, Victor, and Icky were all working together to play a steady, but fun, beat on the snare and base drums. TT, CC, Diamond, and Cequoia were working to perfect the steps to the dance. It was really fun to see everyone working together to keep things going.

I was so pleased to see all of the students enjoying hard work and using their talents which God has given them to make something beautiful. I can not wait to see them all perform at the Black History Celebration.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Meet Emilia

Emilia has been coming to City Impact since she was in the first grade. She is currently a 7th grader here at the ILA program on Sunday nights. She attends Mickle Middle School during the week. Emilia has two step-sisters, two brothers and a pet tea cup Chihuahua named Charlie. Her favorite color is purple and she loves to eat chicken enchiladas. One thing Emilia is really good at is dancing and volleyball. Emilia really enjoys the philanthropy team and worship time at ILA. If Emilia knew she only had one more day to live she would “Get saved, cause I would not want to go to hell.” Emilia is fun and loving and it is a joy to have her here at the Impact Leadership Academy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Meet Ty Westover

Ty Westover was raised in Burwell Nebraska where he lived with a wonderful Christian Family. His dad, mom and two brothers also live here in Nebraska. Ty is married to Bert and has two children. His favorite color is green and his favorite food is “Bert’s casserole”. Ty enjoys using his free time to play sports, volleyball, basketball, ski as well as read books and play video games. Ty has been connected to City Impact from the beginning with Brad and Carma, and also Bert (his wife) has worked with City Impact for many years while Ty was still working with the youth at Berean. Past experiences like working at Maranatha Camp and with the Berean Youth group for many years has led Ty to work with the teens at the Impact Leadership Academy. Ty has been a part of the Impact Leadership Academy since it started last year and he works with the Senior High Guys and with the ILA Speaking Team. One of Ty’s “favorite recent memories from ILA comes from seeing the level of improvement and confidence that the Speaking Team has developed over the last year and a half”. We are all so thankful for the effort and time Ty puts into working with the Impact Leadership Academy students and love having him on the team.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Impact journal from Diamond

Today I have a choice:

Stay home and have fun with my brothers or go stay the night to babysit.

I really wanted to stay home and do fun things, but I also want to go help. It would be nice and sacrificial to go over there, and have fun with the kids. So, tonight I am going to watch the kids and have fun.