Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cecily's Family

During November, City Impact volunteers, families, students, and staff set out on a mission to bring more of Lincoln’s urban youth into the Impact Leadership Academy and Bible Club programs provided by City Impact. This canvassing event encouraged new families within the City Impact’s target neighborhoods to come and join the fellow City Impact families in food and fellowship at a Worship Party planned by ILA teens.
God blessed City Impact the following Sunday night with some new faces that were reached through the canvassing event. Through God’s amazing grace, City Impact has been able to reach out and provide a safe learning environment for one special family. This particular family heard about City Impact through the canvassing event. Having only heard slightly about God, Cecily, the oldest daughter, and her mother decided to attend the Worship Party. Cecily quickly made friends with two of City Impact’s ILA students, Addison and Radius. The following week, Cecily and her three younger brothers were enrolled in the ILA and Bible Club programs. In addition, Cecily began to volunteer in the 5th grade classroom for Bible Club, while her mother attended the Women’s Bible Study!
Each week Cecily and her brothers look forward to coming to ILA and Bible Club. She expressed that City Impact is a good escape from everyday real-life problems. Cecily enjoys being a volunteer because it encourages her to be a better role model. In her own words, “It is cool that I am getting closer to God.”
During a recent interview with Cecily, she explained how coming to the City Impact programs have helped her and her family build a stronger relationship with God. She has also been blessed with new friendships among other Christian teens. Like many families, Cecily’s family has their struggles too. Cecily explained that if she continues to pray and grow in her relationship with God, she knows God will help her family through the rough times. Ever since Cecily’s family has been attending the City Impact programs her family has become closer. She even reads Bible verses over the telephone with her father.
Cecily is a great example of the resiliency that can happen when you live for the Lord! Though her circumstances are not ideal, she is coming to believe that the Lord is her rock and her refugee. It shows in her positive attitude and faithfulness. She is also learning at the ILA that she is capable of showing Christ’s amazing love and kindness to others, no matter what she herself may be experiencing. Cecily has a beautiful heart and is weekly deciding to use her gifts and talents selflessly for the kingdom.
Please lift Cecily and her family up in your prayers today; specifically that her father will get out of jail and be reunited with the family soon. And that he experiences spiritual growth during his time away.

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