Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Addy's Journal

Addison, an ILA student, shared aloud her journal entry with her peers one evening at ILA. Addison wrote about a friend of hers who has a disability. Addison shared that her disabled friend enjoys coming to her house after school to hang out. She explained that sometimes when she gets home from school, she just wants to do homework and relax. Instead, Addison puts her priorities aside. She listens, encourages and plays cards with her friend. Addison told her peers that her friend who has the disability constantly “thanks” her for listening and showing her love unlike many other friends their age.

This week’s lesson was about peer pressure. It focused on the story of Job. Do you remember when Satan tried to tempt Job, but Job stayed faithful to God? Erica, the 6-8th Grade Girls Classroom Leader, related the story of Job to the girls lives and friendships they have. Erica explains the best way to help a friend when he/she is tempted, is to tell them that God will take care of everything if you put your trust in Him.
Trust in the Lord, and do good;dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.Delight yourself in the Lord,and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;trust in him, and he will act.He will bring forth your righteousness as the light,and your justice as the noonday.
Psalm 37:3-6

The follow is a journal entry written by Addison:

February 8th, 2009

A way I showed sacrificial love was when my friend came over. She has a disability and her family and friends always picture her lower, and don’t really pay attention to her. She comes over alot wanting play and talk to me for half an hour. Then we played cards. It was great to make her smile and tell her that I care about her!
-Addison, ILA 6-8th Grade Girls

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