Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Crystal's Impact

Crystal has a very special place in my heart and a permanent place in the City Impact family. It has been exceptionally moving for me to see the Lord transform her from the inside out over the last two years. I have been in the ministry field now for only a couple years, and the beautiful changes I have seen in Crystal are rare. I’m starting to learn that often times, our only job is to plant the seed. Often, we do not get to necessarily reap the harvest or see the fruit.I have had the honor and privilege to see the Lord start a wonderful work in this young girl.

Last fall I was teaching the 6-8th grade girls class at Teen Bible Club. One of the students was Crystal. I hadn’t gotten to know her too well; the only encounter I had with her was a few weeks earlier at KAA camp. I knew she was pretty tough. She wasn’t the type of girl who trusted people easily and she worked hard to give the impression that she didn’t care. It seemed like Crystal wasn’t interested in doing any of the things we prepared for the class; bible studies, impact journals, small group prayer… She often refused to participate and would disrupt or distract the class by laughing at people or interrupting. After about 2 months of sending Crystal to reroute constantly, we had to have a meeting with her and her mom. It just seemed like Crystal did not want to be a Teen Bible Club, and she was hindering the growth of others. That was a difficult meeting, it is never easy to let a student go, but God’s grace is sufficient and I knew He was in control.

After that meeting, Crystal did make the decision that she didn’t want to be at Teen Bible Club. Her younger sister, Cebesha, kept coming to Bible Club and we were able to keep up on Crystal through Cebesha. We were even able to send messages and stamps for Crystal home with her. One night, when Cebesha got dropped off for Bible Club, Crystal came with her. Crystal was still acting tough, but she hung around most of the night. Eventually, she helped in the Pre/K classroom. That evening was the start of a new chapter in Crystal’s life. Every week following Crystal would shuffle in with Cebesha. She never had much to say, but she would quietly walk Cebesha to class and hang around and assist the leaders in that room. Each week I would check in to see how Crystal was doing, and I would get rave reviews about how much help she’d been.

I began to observe Crystal every once and awhile; she was helping pre/k students with projects and she assisted teachers with behavior management even! It really bothered Crystal when students didn’t listen or when they were talking in line. Right before my eyes Crystal began to bloom as a leader. As often as possible, we would affirm Crystal for the great job she was doing. It was so cute watching the words of encouragement melt her tough exterior! At dinner, Crystal would come upstairs and eat with the part-time staff sometimes and we really started to connect. She would laugh and she’d tell stories about the pre/k kids with so much pride.

After serving at Bible Club for a few months, Crystal was anxious to come back to Teen Bible Club. The change in her attitude that first night back was incredible. She was engaged in the bible study and she wrote some neat journal entries. It was funny because she always said she didn’t want to share her journals, but almost each week she would shoot her hand in the air to share at the last minute!

For over a year now, Crystal has played a huge leadership role at both the Impact Leadership Academy and Bible Club. The Lord has continued the work He started in her every single day, and the changes are visible. This week, Crystal and her family are moving to Mississippi and it was a very emotional night at ILA. Crystal was presented with a new teen Study Bible, and while she was extremely sad to move away from her CI family, she was anxious to get into The Word. It was touching to hear her talk with another student about how she was going to start with Matthew! Our God is so good and I’m anticipating great things from the Jesus in Crystal!

Please lift Crystal and her family up this week as they settle in and adjust to a new home.
--Ashley Larson, BC/ILA Director
It was so hard to tell Crystal goodbye and to imagine what our classroom will be like without her, but I know we are all excited to see the plans God has for her. Not only does Crystal have beautiful hand writing, but she has such a beautiful heart for serving the Lord. It really felt like we were a family at Crystal’s good-bye party as we cried and laughed, and most importantly surrounded her with prayer. It is so comforting to know God has perfectly orchestrated each detail in our story- the good parts and the hard parts- all for his glory.
--Michaela, Small Group Leader (6-8th girls)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Writing Team

“Did Jesus really tell us to turn the other cheek?” That was a question that was asked by one the girls on the writing team a couple weeks ago. That question led to a very interesting discussion and an examination of God’s Word.

Well, after a month or two thinking and dreaming about a project that these girls could do to showcase their writing talents, they decided that there were a lot of teens they knew that needed some guidance. They said that people their age dealt with many issues, like: relationships, family issues, school issues, and even battles with drugs and alcohol. After doing some research and discovery the girls made up their minds to make a Web page where kids their age can go for advice. It is brilliant really. Their dream is that students email their problems and they get a response posted on the website that other kids can read. They really wanted their writing to help people which is awesome to see.

A couple of weeks ago, we were talking about what kind of advice we would give if someone had a real problem. I asked the girls where they go if they need help or advice. Most of them said, “a friend” or “my mom”. But, I wanted them to see what God says about wisdom, so we opened up to Proverbs and read about Solomon and his quest for wisdom. Then I had the girls write a response to a problem that I had written. However, I told them that it was important to give godly advice, not worldly advice. The girls gave some good responses. Because the problem had to do with a friend disrespecting another friend, we turned to the New Testament where Jesus is teaching his followers to “turn the other cheek”. You should have seen the looks on those girls’ faces. They were floored. “So he would just let them hit him again?!?” They could not believe how Jesus was asking us to respond. We talked about how God’s kingdom is upside down from how the world works. I’m sure that them understanding that and living that out is a process, but I felt like they took an important step.

In the weeks ahead we will start putting the website together and the girls are really excited about it, but I pray that as they give advice to their peers that it would be motivation to find real wisdom.

--Mark Larson, Writing Team Coordinator

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cecily's Family

During November, City Impact volunteers, families, students, and staff set out on a mission to bring more of Lincoln’s urban youth into the Impact Leadership Academy and Bible Club programs provided by City Impact. This canvassing event encouraged new families within the City Impact’s target neighborhoods to come and join the fellow City Impact families in food and fellowship at a Worship Party planned by ILA teens.
God blessed City Impact the following Sunday night with some new faces that were reached through the canvassing event. Through God’s amazing grace, City Impact has been able to reach out and provide a safe learning environment for one special family. This particular family heard about City Impact through the canvassing event. Having only heard slightly about God, Cecily, the oldest daughter, and her mother decided to attend the Worship Party. Cecily quickly made friends with two of City Impact’s ILA students, Addison and Radius. The following week, Cecily and her three younger brothers were enrolled in the ILA and Bible Club programs. In addition, Cecily began to volunteer in the 5th grade classroom for Bible Club, while her mother attended the Women’s Bible Study!
Each week Cecily and her brothers look forward to coming to ILA and Bible Club. She expressed that City Impact is a good escape from everyday real-life problems. Cecily enjoys being a volunteer because it encourages her to be a better role model. In her own words, “It is cool that I am getting closer to God.”
During a recent interview with Cecily, she explained how coming to the City Impact programs have helped her and her family build a stronger relationship with God. She has also been blessed with new friendships among other Christian teens. Like many families, Cecily’s family has their struggles too. Cecily explained that if she continues to pray and grow in her relationship with God, she knows God will help her family through the rough times. Ever since Cecily’s family has been attending the City Impact programs her family has become closer. She even reads Bible verses over the telephone with her father.
Cecily is a great example of the resiliency that can happen when you live for the Lord! Though her circumstances are not ideal, she is coming to believe that the Lord is her rock and her refugee. It shows in her positive attitude and faithfulness. She is also learning at the ILA that she is capable of showing Christ’s amazing love and kindness to others, no matter what she herself may be experiencing. Cecily has a beautiful heart and is weekly deciding to use her gifts and talents selflessly for the kingdom.
Please lift Cecily and her family up in your prayers today; specifically that her father will get out of jail and be reunited with the family soon. And that he experiences spiritual growth during his time away.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Addy's Journal

Addison, an ILA student, shared aloud her journal entry with her peers one evening at ILA. Addison wrote about a friend of hers who has a disability. Addison shared that her disabled friend enjoys coming to her house after school to hang out. She explained that sometimes when she gets home from school, she just wants to do homework and relax. Instead, Addison puts her priorities aside. She listens, encourages and plays cards with her friend. Addison told her peers that her friend who has the disability constantly “thanks” her for listening and showing her love unlike many other friends their age.

This week’s lesson was about peer pressure. It focused on the story of Job. Do you remember when Satan tried to tempt Job, but Job stayed faithful to God? Erica, the 6-8th Grade Girls Classroom Leader, related the story of Job to the girls lives and friendships they have. Erica explains the best way to help a friend when he/she is tempted, is to tell them that God will take care of everything if you put your trust in Him.
Trust in the Lord, and do good;dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.Delight yourself in the Lord,and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;trust in him, and he will act.He will bring forth your righteousness as the light,and your justice as the noonday.
Psalm 37:3-6

The follow is a journal entry written by Addison:

February 8th, 2009

A way I showed sacrificial love was when my friend came over. She has a disability and her family and friends always picture her lower, and don’t really pay attention to her. She comes over alot wanting play and talk to me for half an hour. Then we played cards. It was great to make her smile and tell her that I care about her!
-Addison, ILA 6-8th Grade Girls

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Black History Celebration

Last week, City Impact Hosted our annual Black History Celebration. This year the theme was "Young African American Heroes" and it was so cool seeing our very own young heroes from the ILA put on this great event! City Impact parents & teens volunteered their time and talent in planning the event this year, and every aspect reflected their creative ideas and unique projects.

One idea the committee came up with was to have a costume parade that payed tribute to some young Black heroes from our histroy. Therefore CI teens and kids dressed up like Ruby Bridges, The Little Rock Nine, James Lawson, The 16th Street Bombing Victims, Frederick Douglas, and Henrietta Bell Wells, while ILA Speaking team members read 1st person narrative about each person. And, the narratives were actually written by our ILA Writing team members!

A few ILA teens also shared their talents during the program! One teen girl was the emcee, a teen boy did a hype drum performance, and one teen boy and his kid brother wrote and performed a rap song! We also had a few of our teens invite their faith-based step team to perform at our event! And if that wasn't enough involvement of our ILA teens, the entire ILA group led the National Black Anthem with their parents and community!

The sky is the limit when you cultivate and engage teen and parent involvement! This event was richer and more powerful because of their hardwork and willingness to share their talents!