Thursday, September 3, 2009


I can usually tell when the City Impact essentials and the other things students learn start to stick. I was sitting in the 6-8th grade girls room during dinner and was enjoying conversations with various girls. I overheard Tabitha (new 6th grader to ILA) ask Mrs. Miriam if there were any ribs left. Mrs. Miriam informed Tabitha that if there were any left she was more than welcome to have them. Tabitha got up from her seat and went to check on the status of ribs, she returned with a little stack of what was left of the ribs. Right as Tabitha sat down next to Emilia she immediately offered all her ribs to her. Emilia was very hesitant at first but Tabitha insisted that she take the ribs! It was so fun to see this act of kindness coming from Tabitha.

As the 6-8th grade boys were searching the scriptures from the lesson on Sunday night I noticed a few boys having trouble finding the particular books of the bible and the verses. From across the room I noticed that Icky had his bible open to the correct verse, but he was staring at Se’vahn who was frantically flipping the pages of the bible in his lap. Icky suddenly got up walked across the room to Se’vahn and took the bible out of his hand and handed Se’vahn his bible. Icky then turned around and went back to his seat where he sat to find the scripture in the bible he had taken from Se’vahn. I was just so pleased to see that Icky did all of this on his own, Icky saw a need and met it.