Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6-8th Boys Stamp


You are an impressive young man. I love hearing your goals and stories about how you serve your family.
-Mr. Todd

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


To: Cecilya

Hey!!! Haven’t really got the time to say “Hey”. I am really glad that you joined ILA. You are a very smart, pretty and creative girl. So just holla if you need anything. Bahbye.
- Ashlee, ILA

Friday, February 6, 2009

6-8th Girls Sleepover

The first week in January, I had a sleepover at my house for all of the middle school girls. We played games, shared stories, watched movies, did hair and makeup, had a dance party, and had a Bible study/discussion. The point of the Bible study/discussion was to get a more solid feel for where the girls were at spiritually and get a sense for what they understand about the Bible and the Christian faith in general. The study started out with very basic content and progressed into a great discussion on "How can I be a Christian? Everything is so hard!" Some of the girls shared personal struggles on fighting and the concept of "How am I supposed to sacrificially love someone who wants to fight me? If they're calling me names, I want to hit them." The conversation continued and we discussed the general idea that "it's not easy being a Christian, but God is there with you through it all. You may have to be bold and to stand out from the crowd, but you need to decide if the Lord's opinion of you is more important than your classmates. Are you a faithful servant or a fading flower?" We ended the Bible study by praying and welcoming Jesus into our hearts and asking him to help us battle Satan when he tries to tempt us to do evil. I invited the girls to remain in the bedroom alone or with other girls if they wanted time to spend some time alone with God, but they all ran upstairs right away. However, soon after, La'Terria asked if she could talk to me about something alone. She began crying and explaining to me that things were really hard for her. She said, "I want to believe in Jesus and give my life to Him, but it's just so hard and confusing." We talked about what it meant to accept Christ as your Savior. She admitted her need for a Savior, but said she wasn't ready to make that choice. I told her that it was okay if she wasn't ready, but I wanted her to consider a question that I was asked in my pursuit of Jesus. I asked her, "What are you waiting for?" She said she didn't know, but that she would be thinking about it. We prayed specifically that she would come to understand the Lord better and open her heart to His work in her. She was very emotional throughout it all and I was so proud of her for being so vulnerable and willing to share with me. She expressed her thanks and appreciation and we headed upstairs to join the girls. The next night I received a text message saying, "Miss Erica, I thought about the question you asked me and I have an answer now. I'm ready and I want that." I replied and expressed how excited I was for her and praised God for his work. She text me again saying, "This week, I will pray that God will give me a better understanding of him". Every night for 2 and half weeks, she text me letting me know how her day went. It has been so exciting see her willingness and desire to know God grow and grow. I can't wait to see what else the Lord has in store for her. -Written by Erica Schmidt, 6-8th Grade Classroom Leader

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Social Justice Team

The Social Justice Leadership Team watched a series of videos educating the students on the Invisible Children of Uganda. After watching a clip about an Invisible Child named, Innocent, and other children of Uganda being abducted in Africa, the Social Justice Leadership Team wrote letters to Innocent. The students composed letter to Innocent hoping to encourage him and to let Innocent know that he will be prayed for. The Social Justice Team has become very passionate about the horrifying issue of the Invisible Children.

To watch a clip of the Invisible Children, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwTcsyYRQms

Future Plans

On Sunday evening, a City Impact Volunteer for the Impact Leadership Academy expressed his excitement for the high school boys future plans. The volunteer shared with a CI Staff member that ALL of the boys in the high school classroom plan on attending college upon their high school graduation. During class discussion that evening, the high school boys shared with their leaders that they would be the first in their families to attend college.