Friday, December 19, 2008

Worship Party Student Quotes

The following quotes are student responses to the Worship Party hosted by City Impact on November 16th, 2008. The Worship Party attracted a large crowd of families and youth from City Impact's target neighborhoods.The night was filled with singing, dancing, and praising the Lord.

"I thought the City Impact Worship Party was great because because the step team did a cool dance. I also liked all the singing and worshiping God." - Emilia, ILA Student

"I thought the Worship Party was very welcoming, everyone had fun and learned about Christ in a fun way. Its very motivating for us to see others learn about God. I also thought the rappers were good, I have never heard rap like that."- VaDoll, ILA Student

"I thought the party was really fun. I loved how so many people all over the neighborhood that I live in, the Hartley community, were able to have fun, learn about God and eat. I also made a new friend, Cecilya. She said she has been really wanting to go somewhere to learn about God and I am glad that she came." Addison, ILA Student

Friday, December 12, 2008

Junior High Girl's Goals

At the Impact Leadership Academy, students are given the opportunity to set goals within City Impact, their community, church, family, nation, and more. The following are goals that have previously been set by City Impact students:

- Pick up cans and bottles in the neighborhood, then to recycle the collected cans

- Prior to the 2008 Election, students set goals to pray for the election

- Spend more time with family

- Stay positive with their friends and not to bicker

"Goals represent expectations, hopes and dreams, and to the extent our goals are achieved, we are successful.” Bettie B. Youngs

Friday, November 21, 2008

ILA Student Journal

October 20th, 2008

I’m going to show more love and sacrificial love to my mom because I always talk back to her. So, I need to pray and follow God and ask him for forgiveness. Sometimes I try not to be disobedient, but it just come out and spreads. I hope that God can answer my prayer, so that we can be a great son and mother.

-ILA Student

A Thankful Heart

During dinner at ILA, the high school boys went around the table and spoke of who they are most thankful for during the past year. Tyree, a student of ILA, said that he was most thankful for Mr. Brad (Executive Director) and Mrs. Ashley (BC & ILA Program Director) for working so hard to make City Impact possible.